Friday, August 14, 2009

I'd run and fly

pic spam, nd eve = dinner with 1/3 of class + walking arnd + almost missed last bus; random order.

this shall be my new dp :>

orh-hor mummy say cannot touchy touchy, caught red-handed huh huh huh?! haha kidding.

orh-hor kenny in action 2nd time, alicia poor thing.

sugar + honey hahaha

i realise i have small eyes....

D is for dearest

last dancesport make up now. damn sian am like listening to the background music "i want nobody nobody but you...i want nobody nobody but you..." and it continues... I can actually go now mm after this post.

Presentation l8r, to only one person..only 15 min.. tell me how not necessary it is.

psssst wo xiang ni leh.

if you said "Jump!" I'd say "How high?" If you said "Run!" I'd run and fly

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