Sunday, August 9, 2009


I had dinner with shihui, peiqi, rafidah, pam pam, alicia, kenny & bx yesterday. Bx was so hyped up about pasting the fake tattoo. Mmm and so apparently only mine stayed, till now hahahaha. Shihui - very funny. Coz she doesn't know that need to take out the plastic thingie first so she just pasted it + water over it. Then tadah she thought it was a sticker. Dinner, pizza hut. Cheap, y so cheap, i don't know. After that went to some grand hotel to use their toilet i don't know y also. Then walk walk walk walk till fullerton hotel then starbucks, then talk talk talk gossip gossip gossip, wait for shihui's bus then homeeeeeee. Cabbed at paya lebar cause it seems that last bus ended mm.

Wee wee i'm waiting for dexter to wake up, faster faster, i'm bored.


shihui said...

then u winner liao lor. last man standing w the tattoo on. HAHAHAHA

by Sarah said...

lol of cause ahr hahaha i just killed a bug :/ how sinful