Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Migraine migraine, i....don'

Attachment today was horror. I was beaten, kicked, and being sat on the whole 9am to 1pm. I'll be stucked with 3-4 year old toddlers this whole sem. Oh.. I was practically being hit here and there and kept ouch-ing here and there but apparently, kids don't understand. But oh well, accidents happen when kids play tgt esp when they don't have the language to actually say "can I have this yellow block please?". They just snatch, kick, hit, slap. Srsly. Plus migraine? So this girl, sticked with me throughout. Even meal time. She wants me to feed her, so I fed. She just didn't want to swallow you know... Because she doesn't want to eat at all. Hehehee but today's keisha's birthday. She's so cute I swear. Chubby cheeks, big eyes, smiles and laughs so sweetly, tanned skin, walks like going to fall like that, sits on my lap, hugs me. But then... damn violent. But then again, she does my fav "HI 5, LOW 5 MINI 5 MUACK!" with me hahahahaha cute much.

I left attachment @ 1pm SHARP after petting them to sleep. Ate, did my hw, waited for Isabella Gabriel Augustin. Stuck in the rain @ the bus stop. Went over to her place~ I miss leh. Like her hair?!?! HAHA I DO ONE.

p/s i am getting fatter face so fat alr, stomach fat like pregnant like that. still lazy to do crunches, eat so much. eat eat eat. grow fat la sarah!

p/p/s carmen, i think we should go out HAHAHAHA

p/p/p/s i'm hungry, AGAIN.

p/p/p/p/s i'm going to eat, AGAIN

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